When you add gadgets and create a blogger sidebars for your blog all of them will appear everywhere you are on such as home page, achieve label, sing post, and page etc. It does have any functional item that allows you to hide any sidebar that you want. But In this tutorial, I will share you how to hide sidebars from a single post and page but it will appear on home page, index or label achieve by using only one simple code.
Moreover, I will give you another functional key to hide sidebar from the home page but other such as post, page, and the label will appear. These are below instruction.
1. To start it you need to Login your blog.
2. Go to "Layout" and find which sidebar you want to work on it. If you found it just copy the sidebar section title. Similar below simple images.
3. Go to Template > Edit HTML then searching for the sidebar section title that you have copied from Layout (#2). To search it, just press CTRL+F or Command+F (Mac) then Paste the title that you copied from the layout into the search column then press Enter until you got what you are looking for.
4. After you found it, you need to show all the code section by clicking the symbol that shown at the left side.
5. Copy below code then place it bellow <b:includable id='main'>
7. After you completed all these works, click "Save Template".
Moreover, I will give you another functional key to hide sidebar from the home page but other such as post, page, and the label will appear. These are below instruction.
1. To start it you need to Login your blog.
2. Go to "Layout" and find which sidebar you want to work on it. If you found it just copy the sidebar section title. Similar below simple images.
3. Go to Template > Edit HTML then searching for the sidebar section title that you have copied from Layout (#2). To search it, just press CTRL+F or Command+F (Mac) then Paste the title that you copied from the layout into the search column then press Enter until you got what you are looking for.
4. After you found it, you need to show all the code section by clicking the symbol that shown at the left side.
5. Copy below code then place it bellow <b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>6. Copy bellow </b:if> tag and paste it above </b:includable>
7. After you completed all these works, click "Save Template".
Hide Blogger Sidebar From Home Page
a) Follow about instructions #1, #2, #3, #4
b) Copy bellow code then place it below <b:includable id='main'>
This specific code will help you to hide your blogger sidebar from the home page and label (category).b) Copy bellow code then place it below <b:includable id='main'>
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>c) Now you just copy code </b:if> tag place it about </b:includable> as same as #6. Then Save Template.
Extra Code That You Many Needed
Hide Blogger Sidebar From Single Post
<b:if cond='data:blog.url != data:blog.homepageUrl'>
Show Only Homepage and Label
This code is allowed to show one of your blogger sidebar on only homepage.<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "index"'>
Show Only Homepage
This code is allowed to show one of your blogger sidebar on only homepage and post label.<b:if cond='data:blog.canonicalUrl == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
Show Widget Sidebar With Specific URL
This below code is showing one of your blog sidebars within a specific URL you assigned. The other part of Home Page, Label, or page, Sing Post will disable to show.<b:if cond='data:blog.url == "Add URL Here"'>